Fixing Cranial Misalignments

Our skulls are made up of many bones

Our skull is not one single bone, but is made up of many bones. Our skull consists of 8 cranial bones protecting the brain and 14 facial bones.

Cranial bones move

Our cranial bones do not fuse but remain distinct and separate throughout our lives. Each bone has its distinct movement. The spaces between the bones are called sutures and are filled with connective tissue, nerves and blood vessels. Proper movement of the cranial bones is essential for health.

A wealth of clinical research confirms that if our cranial bones are out of their proper position, physical and mental health suffer.

What can cranial misalignment cause?

Misalignments of the cranial bones can cause a multiplicity of health problems. Specific brain centers, the brain stem, cranial nerves, spinal nerves, blood and cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) flow can be affected.

Clinical research reveals the following problems associated with misalignments of the various cranial bones.

Sphenoid misalignment

For many reasons, the sphenoid bone is considered the most important cranial bone and the one most often found out of alignment. When the sphenoid is misaligned, a vast array of physical and emotional health issues can occur. The sphenoid makes up much of the floor of the skull, holds the pituitary gland and affects the flow of the CSF which is produced in the brain and is crucial to the health of our nervous system.

Symptoms related to misalignment of the sphenoid include:

  • Headache and migraines
  • Eye pain and other visual disturbances
  • Hormone balance
  • Insomnia
  • Psychological disturbances/personality changes, depression
  • Symptoms of impaired brain function including memory loss, dyslexia, lack of ability to concentrate, brain fog
  • Sinus related issues
  • Dental issues including teeth grinding and dental malocclusion
  • Asthma
  • Upper gastric conditions and transverse colon problems
  • Problems of the trigeminal nerve (including Bell’s Palsy and Trigeminal Neuralgia)
  • Neck or lower back problems and scoliosis

Occipital misalignment

The occipital bone is the bone at the base of the back of the skull. It is connected internally to the sphenoid. Misalignment of the sphenoid can put the occiput out of alignment causing pressure and restriction of the bones in the upper neck.

Symptoms related to misalignment of the occiput include:

  • Headache
  • Instability of the cervical spine (neck)
  • Visual disturbances
  • Disturbance of the cranial nerves affecting the digestive system
  • Functional disturbances of the brain
  • Interference of the CSF flow

Frontal misalignment

  • The whole gamut of emotional conditions (depression, anxiety, inappropriate behavior, etc.)
  • Frontal headaches
  • Visual and ocular disturbances including eye strain, eye pain and pupil dilation
  • Sinus congestion
  • Loss of smell

Temporal misalignment

  • Dizziness
  • Hearing and balance disturbances
  • Ringing or sounds in the ears
  • Hearing loss and deafness
  • TMJ and teeth grinding

Parietal misalignment

  • Headache and migraine
  • Sleep disturbance and insomnia
  • Attention span problems
  • Visual problems
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure)

Nasal misalignment

  • Disturbances of nasal breathing and secretions
  • Tearing

Zygoma misalignment

  • Eye problems
  • Sinus trouble

Palate (top of the mouth) misalignment

  • Headache
  • Sinus issues
  • Numbness in the face

Maxilla misalignment

  • Pain or sensitivity in the face, upper teeth and gums

Hyoid (sits behind chin) misalignment

  • Throat problems
  • Vocal problems (including loss of voice)
  • Swallowing problems

Mandible and TMJ misalignment

  • TMJ pain
  • Upper and lower jaw pain
  • Reduced mouth opening
  • Pain when chewing
  • “Clicking”
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Digestive problems
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Neck pain

There’s more

In addition to this vast array of symptoms, many other conditions have also responded well to cranial corrections including: learning disabilities, dyslexia, autism, bedwetting, cerebral palsy and color blindness.

What causes cranial misalignments?

The most likely cause of cranial misalignment is trauma from falls, accidents or sports, minor head injuries from falls, bumps and jars from childhood, difficult birth (including the use of forceps and vacuum extraction) or even prenatal stress.

Severe emotional stress or environmental toxins can also be causative factors.

Fixing cranial misalignments

Our cranial corrections employ light and precise force, using either an adjusting instrument or the hands to unlock or release cranial misalignments. The corrections are a quick and gentle procedure that patients of all ages (from infants to elderly) usually find comfortable.

These corrections remove pressure on the brain, spinal cord and the nervous system, resulting in a healthier person, both physically and emotionally.

Cranial adjustments usually “hold” or stay in place a long period of time. Occasionally, a cranial bone may need more than a few corrections. This is seen when there was severe head injury, multiple traumas and/or a difficult birth. Other factors including dehydration, ongoing emotional stress, nutritional deficiencies and ongoing toxic factors can contribute to cranial misalignment. These (and other) factors will addressed in the course of treatment.